Partnership with Urban Emissions

"Our collaboration delivers significant value to our customers through an easy to use platform to visualize and conduct big-data analytics on pollution."

Sarath Guttikonda

Urban Emissions

Urban Emissions is a company that specializes in air quality research. They produce pollution forecasts using a comprehensive emissions inventory and chemical transport models.

Earthmetry has partnered with them on dataset management, big data analytics and research papers in the air quality domain.

Their CEO, Sarath Guttikonda says, "Urban Emissions and Earthmetry are partners in disseminating information from air quality measurement networks and forecasting platforms. We published research on Delhi’s Air Quality that makes use of Earthmetry’s portfolio of datasets. Our collaboration delivers significant value to our customers through an easy to use platform to visualize and conduct big-data analytics on pollution and meteorological reanalysis fields, model results, and measurement campaigns that support public-policy dialogue."

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